Camelback Chronicles

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24″ x 24″ Slip-Fit Base – 6″ Nipple

24″ x 24″ Slip-Fit Base – 6″ Nipple


Please call for a price

Pair with uprights up to 14′ H (29lbs)

Product Dimensions:
24″W x 24″L
6″ Nipple
2″ Diam Tubing

Construction:  Aluminum

Please call for quotes on Black Powder Coating.

SKU: 23-PD-52 Category:
  • 8″ x 14″ bases pair with uprights up to 3′ H (7lbs) *recommend 3″ pin
  • 16″ x 14″ bases pair with uprights up to 8′ H (10lbs) *recommend 3″ pin
  • 14″ x 16″ bases pair with uprights up to 8′ H (10lbs) *recommend 3″ pin
  • 15″ x 15″ bases pair with uprights up to 8′ H (10lbs) *recommend 3″ pin
  • 18″ x 18″ bases pair with uprights up to 12′ H (17lbs) *recommend 6″ pin
  • 24″ x 24″ bases pair with uprights up to 14′ H (29lbs) *recommend 6″ or 9″ pin

When picking your pin size, match up the first dimensions with the diameter of your uprights.  We sell both 1.5″ and 2″ uprights.  The height of the pin increase stability.  For reference, our standard 8′ upright pairs with our 16″ x 14″ base with a 1.5″ x 3″ pin.  If you have any questions on how to pick out which base you need with your upright we are happy to help!


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