Where To Find Info On Trade Shows
How and Where to find information for Trade Shows.
OK, you have spent the money on your trade show display. It looks great, matches your company vision and you feel that it will be a customer magnet at your next trade shows.
But which trade show should you go to and grab those new customers? Fortunately, there are some great resources on the web to locate any relevant trade show, anywhere in the world.
Trade Show News Network
The first site that comes to mind is Trade Show News Network (tsnn.com). They offer a valuable search feature by industry ranging from “advertising” to “woodworking” trade shows. You can also search by name and filter by country or state. simply choose your industry and the location and you are presented with pages of possible shows that you may want to exhibit at or just attend. To give you an idea of the scope TSNN covers for events, they currently have listings of over 19,500 for meetings, conventions and trade shows. TSNN also offers exhibit industry news to help you keep abreast of updates that may affect your trade shows.
Biz Tradeshows
Another good site is Biz Tradeshows (biztradeshows.com). They also offer an excellent search feature to find trade shows and events all over the world. You can search by country, industry, but also by country, date and even your favorite event organizer.
Each search is easy to follow and you can quickly find the event you need in Dubai or the US. Biz boasts a list of 14,000 upcoming business trade shows all over the world. With over 2 million visitors to their site monthly, the numbers can’t be wrong. You will find what you need here. One good feature Biz offers are reviews of trade shows. You can read posts and even write your own.
Other ways to find trade shows
Besides visiting the two search portals above and a variety of lower quality search sites, you can find out about good trade shows a number of other ways.
Find out where your competition exhibits. You can visit their website and see if they have a trade show schedule posted, listing all the shows they plan on attending. You may even ask customers what trade shows they attend along with some feedback. Manufacturers of the products you sell will usually be able to point your in the right direction also. The various super sites for the trade show industry are also good places to look. All of the big convention halls in Las Vegas and other major markets like New York, Chicago, etc. all have event lists.
Once you find your show…
Check with the show organizers for details on previous year’s attendance, the types of attendees they attract, advice on top booth locations and all of the costs. There is nothing
more upsetting than exhibiting at a trade show and spending thousands of dollars for the wrong event because you skipped the homework. Do yourself a big favor and make sure the trade show in question is a good match for your company. Once you find a great show to exhibit at, don’t forget to choose from our wide array of trade show displays. We offer all types of portable trade show exhibits. Once you’ve decided on a venue, visit us for the rest!
All Trade Show Displays & Exhibits. From table top displays to island exhibits and pop ups displays to truss exhibits. Everything you need to exhibit from trade show flooring to hanging displays.
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